Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Couldn't Stand It

Okay, I really don't have time for this, being the Christmas Season (which relates to Christmas Rush for Photographers) but I just can't stand it. Just can't stand it. I mean... I can't stand it. This family is just too cute and I wanted to share. I hope you enjoy just a sneak peek as much as I enjoyed capturing it. I know, she's not smiling, even better. Tis the season.

And for those of you, who Tweet, Like, Friend, Rave, Follow, Subscribe... you get the drift. I hope you'll spread the buzz as one of our DreamBEE-Keepers for the HoneyComb.


  1. We'd love to hear what you think, so leave us a comment.

  2. That is a great family photo and i love the little ones bow should make a great present for some lucky grand parents

  3. Thanks to anonymous Brad. You just won 2 - TN Titans Tix. Have fun.
