Sunday, May 22, 2011

Strawberry Festival Mother/Daughter Queen

Okay, so had to share.  My daughter made me proud. Because of her and all her cuteness, we were Crowned Queen last Saturday in the Strawberry Festival Pageant - Mother/Daughter Division. As they called the first runner up, I was preparing to leave backstage with my daughter as I was sure the gals dressed in the beautiful blue were going to be called and very much to my surprise they called our names. You can tell by the grin on my face I was totally proud and we're sure to find more pageants for little miss priss, because she really laid it on thick, while she graced the stage during both her divisions. I hear it's in two papers, that I'm yet to get a hold of and need to.

I'd also like to share how proud I am of one of my recent clients as she placed 2nd Runner Up in her Division along with Most Photogenic, (also pictured) using one of my portraits I had taken of her during the Easter Sessions. Way to go little Gracey!

Also, 1st Runner Up went to another one of our Easter clients in her Division... way to go little Addison! And thanks to both of the families for getting us to take your timeless treasures this year. I was so delighted to meet everyone.


  1. Congratulations,Dreama.You are absolutely beautiful inside and out so I totally see where that adorable little girl of yours gets her looks.Love you and miss you!!Congratulations to her too :)) Way to go!!! Rhonda

  2. Dreama - I can see why you guys took first place! You guys look beautiful! :) Congratulations! :) -- Tonya Semones
