Saturday, April 23, 2016

You are kidding me, right?

So let me start by saying, my daughter is six years old. This is very important to remember.
At her 8u softball game early this morning, I was reminded just how people must not realize what they are saying out loud during the game around other parents.  8u means all girls must be eight years old and under as of January 1. 
I also want to add my daughter is very short for her age (hence the name lil-bit on the back of her team shirt).
So that makes her basically 2 heads shorter, if not more than most of the  team members and the youngest on the team (I think). Plus I'm sure there may be some already 9 year olds playing this Spring or close to it. All important to remember.
So here's my rant:
These children are 6,7,8 years old - No they all do not know what they are doing at all times during the game that's why they are playing softball to LEARN the game to LEARN the fundamentals of playing the game. Sure some of them know to throw to first base, maybe all know to throw it to first base, maybe they all know when the force is at two. But I can assure you not all the kids out of all of 11 know everything about the game they are: six, seven, and eight years old possibly nine they are still babies, they are still LEARNING!!!! 
This is not high school ball where a scout is coming from a college  nor is it college ball or the Olympics. This is our babies born just a few short years ago and are playing softball for fun and again to learn when and what to do. When to run, when not to run, how to stay at second when the play is at first, and not run or how to make the play at second and then where the next play will be. If it's a foul or if it's not. Or what to do if it's hit right on the ground in front of you. 
Here's an idea.... Maybe it's the coaches place to tell the kids what to do. 
And speaking of coaches I THANK them  ALL very much for devoting their time to teach our children to play! It's a complete volunteer situation and they are so kind to give up their precious time with their own families to help teach our children...and I Appreciate it very much! 
In fact this is the 1st of 4 years I haven't helped coach the kids. Because I coach adult Coed and Women the last few years.
But the next time a parent wants to look at me and tell me something about the way we do or do not do things...Well lets just say I hope they choose to stay quiet, just as I was to them this morning. 
I will only listen to the coaches in any sport, because after what I've seen and heard this short season so far especially compared to other years -  frankly the parents don't know what they're doing either.
Another coach and myself were talking after the game and it's all about the fundamentals at this stage, at this early time in their young little lives, it's about teaching them what to do in a position, be it batting or on the field. 
As I worked on the small garden of weeds behind our home, I became more infuriated over what was said to me by the minute. And this is my outlet.
Let the kids play and have fun and LEARN. I can promise you my little girl who is almost 7 now learns at a very, very rapid pace-  she is a very smart girl!
At the end of the day -  it's the coach-pitcher's place or Coach or heck even the coach from the other team (at this age) to tell her to run! Even her dad thought it was a foul ball. 
Rant over-  thanks for listening.

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